A comprehensive reference point for understanding key terminologies, acronyms, and jargon related to the craft of phishing and social engineering.

- Ad Hominem
- Anchoring
- Appeal to AuthorityAppeal to Authority is a logical fallacy where an argument is deemed valid or accepted as true solely because it comes from an authority figure… Read more: Appeal to Authority
- Appeal to Emotion
- Appeal to Fear
- Appeal to Ignorance
- Authority
- Authority Bias
- Bandwagon
- Behavioral Economics
- Blacklist
- Botnet
- Browser Hijacking
- Business Email Compromise (BEC)
- CEO Fraud
- Clickbait
- Cognitive Biases
- Cognitive Dissonance
- Commitment and Consistency
- Compliance
- Confirmation Bias
- Conformity
- Credential Harvesting
- Credential Stuffing
- Deception
- Deepfake
- Digital Certificate
- Distraction
- Distrust
- Domain Spoofing
- Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC)
- DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)
- Door-in-the-Face Technique
- Email Header
- Emotional Appeals
- Emotional Exploitation
- Emotional Manipulation
- Emotional Response
- Exploitative Tactics
- Exploiting Cognitive Biases
- Fallacy of Sunk Costs
- False Consensus
- False DilemmaFalse Dilemma, a type of logical fallacy, occurs when a complex situation is presented with only two possible outcomes, oversimplifying and excluding other potential options.… Read more: False Dilemma
- Fear
- Flattery
- Foot-in-the-Door Technique
- Groupthink
- Guilt Trip
- Homograph Attack
- Human Behavior Analysis
- Impersonation
- Impersonation
- Influence
- Information Overload
- Keylogger
- Likeability
- Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
- Malicious Attachment
- Malware
- Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack
- Manipulation
- Manipulative Behavior
- Misleading Vividness
- Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
- Neuromarketing
- Obedience
- Open Redirect
- Payload
- Peer Pressure
- Persuasion
- Persuasion Techniques
- Phisher
- Phishing
- Phishing Awareness Training
- Phishing Kit
- Post Hoc
- Pretexting
- Psychological Manipulation
- Psychological Persuasion
- Psychological Resistance
- Psychological Tactics
- Psychological Trickery
- Psychological Triggers
- Psychological Vulnerability
- Psychological Warfare
- Ransomware
- Recency Illusion
- Reciprocity
- Sandboxing
- Scarcity
- Scarcity
- Self-Serving Bias
- Smishing
- Social Compliance
- Social EngineeringSocial engineering is a manipulative technique intended to exploit human psychology, trust, and emotions to perform specific actions or to make specific decisions, often to… Read more: Social Engineering
- Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
- Social Media Phishing
- Social Proof
- Spear Phishing